It may take a couple tries, but success is definitely within grasp with this set up. This formicarium challenge, even when you are fully prepared, can still best you if you are not careful enough. Your nursery tiles for all your offensive ants are located near the entrance to prevent the enemy from breaching your frontline and to ensure a quick jump into the action.All of your ants (soldier and worker) have both of their upgrade slots filled – of your choice.It would be heavily recommended to have at least 25 worker ants of at least level 3 to stay near your queen to fend off the spiders and to place eggs on nursery tiles to keep your front line bolstered.You have around 25-30 black ants at level 3, 25-30 wood ants at level 3 and 20-25 leaf cutter majors at level 3.Food storage tiles have been placed at the entrance for swift retrieval of food.